Mafa History

The MAFA PEOPLE, originally from present-day Gambia around 2000 BC, embarked on a journey that led them to settle in East Africa, encompassing regions such as Kenya, Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania. DNA analysis establishes a genetic connection with the Luhya people of western Kenya. From East Africa, they undertook migrations towards Cameroon and Nigeria, commencing around the 7th century, traversing through Uganda, Sudan, and Chad.

Within the MAFA PEOPLE, a singular tribe, the Mafahay, migrated from Roua and Sulede, situated west of Durum (Mofu proper), moving towards the northwest. Concurrently, they encountered the Bulahay tribe, which migrated westward, paralleling the southern borders of the contemporary Mafa territory. As both tribes journeyed northwards, they merged, evolving into the present-day Mafa community. Thus, the narrative intertwines the broader migration of the MAFA PEOPLE with the internal movements of distinct tribal entities, culminating in the formation of the Mafa tribe.

Sources: Wikipedia and Contribution Africans

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